Healing with EMDR: Linking Your Trees 🌳✨

Welcome to a Journey of Healing

When it comes to understanding and healing from trauma, it can sometimes be challenging to put the process into words. That's why I like to use a relatable analogy to explain how Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy works. Imagine two trees growing inside you – each representing different aspects of your experiences and self-perception.

The Trauma Tree

The first tree is deeply rooted in your past traumas. This tree's roots are tangled and embedded in painful memories and experiences. Every time a branch of this tree is shaken – perhaps by a triggering event or a stressful situation – the whole tree, including its deep roots, gets disturbed. This can cause a resurgence of negative emotions, anxiety, and distress, making it hard to move forward.

The Tree That Knows Better

Alongside this trauma tree is another tree that represents the part of you that knows you are lovable, capable, and good enough. This tree is rooted in positive experiences, self-assurance, and inner strength. However, the trauma tree often overshadows this healthier tree, making it difficult for you to fully believe in your worth and potential.

How EMDR Connects These Trees

EMDR therapy works by creating a bridge between these two trees. During EMDR sessions, we use specific eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation to help reprocess traumatic memories. This process allows us to access and integrate these painful memories in a way that reduces their power and emotional charge.

Think of it as gently cleaning out the tangled roots of the trauma tree and linking them to the healthier, stronger roots of the tree that knows better. By doing this, we help the trauma tree to heal and integrate into the healthier tree, allowing for a more balanced and resilient sense of self.

The Healing Process

  1. Assessment and Preparation: We start by identifying the traumatic memories and understanding their impact on your life. This phase is crucial, and we'll take as long as needed to ensure you feel safe and ready to proceed. Building trust is essential, and we may incorporate resources or experiential exercises to enhance your present-moment awareness, which is vital for successfully reprocessing trauma. We'll also work on building your coping skills to ensure you feel supported throughout the process.

  2. Desensitization: Using bilateral stimulation, we'll work through the traumatic memories, helping to reduce their intensity and emotional impact.

  3. Installation: We'll strengthen positive beliefs and self-perceptions, integrating them into your sense of self.

  4. Body Scan: We'll ensure that the positive changes are felt throughout your body, helping to solidify the healing process.

  5. Closure and Reevaluation: Each session ends with grounding techniques, and we'll continuously reevaluate progress to ensure your ongoing healing and growth.

A Path to a Healthier You

Through EMDR, the once overwhelming trauma tree becomes integrated with the healthier tree, creating a unified and resilient sense of self. This process not only alleviates the distress caused by traumatic memories but also empowers you to embrace the belief that you are lovable and good enough.

Ready to Start Your Journey?

If you're ready to heal from past traumas and nurture your inner strength, I'm here to help. I'm now accepting new clients and would love to support you on your journey to well-being. Visit www.benildaformoso.ca or email me at benilda.formoso@gmail.com to book a consultation.

Let's work together to link your trees and cultivate a healthier, happier you. 🌿✨


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